My heart hangs a little heavy today. Today is the first day that I am attempting to stop milk production. I am using cabbage leaves and peppermint altoids. I am extremely saddened by this, and quite frankly, a bit scared. I love my bonding time with my precious goose.
I imagine I'll receive some criticism for this decision, but it is time. We are trying to get pregnant with baby #2 and I am having the same problems as last time, and have to take hormones that just are not good for her to be receiving through nursing. Yesterday she turned 1.5 years old. I could not be more proud/happy that I was able to breastfeed as long as I did.
I remember being so afraid of breastfeeding before she was born. I'd heard so many horror stories about how it hurt. Then I got educated. And not only did she latch immediately, but we've had an amazing and long run. :)
This is going to be so hard for me though. Even as I write this, she is trying to force herself into my top. :( It's so hard to have to tell her no. I'm hoping this will not remain as hard as it feels right now. It's emotionally draining.