Wednesday, February 28, 2024

32 Weeks:

 It’s been a while since I’ve posted last. Unfortunately my endometriosis is still a thing. This last week has been very stressful and upsetting. You’ve been super active, which I absolutely appreciate as opposed to the alternative but it’s also very exhausting. I’ve had a lot of the pregnancy insomnia too. Also very exhausting. When I went to my 32 weeks appointment I got some not great news from the Dr that my numbers still aren’t where they should be with the GD, despite also taking a med this time, Metformin. It’s not seemingly doing the job properly that it’s meant to, so the Dr has upped my level of high risk and is now sending me to high risk fetal doctors as well as moving me to two appointments a week from here on out. Each week I will be doing NST’s as well as ultrasounds to make sure that you are growing the way you should, that you are getting the oxygen you should and are reacting to movements the way you should do. I had my first NST yesterday and everything went really well which is good. I go back again on Friday for another, and then next Wednesday (also your brother’s 5th birthday) I’ll see both the specialists and likely be put on insulin, as well as my regular OB for an NST. The part that bothers me in all of the increased risk they through at me. That you may show up anytime between now and 39 weeks and if you do, they won’t do anything to stop the labor which will likely end in a long and expensive NICU stay. I’m at higher risk for preeclampsia, and you are at higher risk of being stillborn, increasing in about 4 weeks. :( This terrifies me. I’ve asked what we do when that time comes, if we schedule a C-section and get you out early to what. He said the plan to proceed as normal, and as long as the NSTs and ultrasounds look good, everything should be fine, and we will plan to get you out at the 38/39 week mark. It’s just so much to think about. So please be safe, know that you’re loved and try to safely and comfortably stay in there another 4-5 weeks.