Today we are 18 weeks pregnant, and our baby looks more and more like a little human. I'm still having a little bit of the nausea, although I'm still on the pills, so it's not nearly as bad. It seems to maybe be finally simmering down though. I've had a few days this week where I either didn't end up needing to take the pills, or only ended up needing to take one towards the end of the day. Today I woke up not feeling so hot, but ate a few crackers and drank a cup on (decaf) hot tea, and I seem to be alright now.
Haven't really had any serious cravings, outside of really really wanting some soup, salad and breadsticks with alfredo dipping sauce from Olive Garden for the past few months, but even that was normal for me without being pregnant. Haha.
I went ahead and ordered two sweaters this week from Motherhood Maternity in preparation for fall, which man do I wish would hurry up and get here. There were two others that I really wanted, but my size was already sold out, so I went ahead and ordered these two:
because they were already on sale to begin with, and then for this week and next week only, an additional 40% off, so I figured it'd be smart to start getting these things that I know I'll need while it's cheap instead of waiting until fall gets here, and they go back to their original price of $35-$40.
As far as other symptoms go, I've now started to experience the lower back pain over these past few days, and am realizing that I may not be able to stay on my feet as long I'd been able to before, because I stood at the sink lastnight doing two loads of dishes and my feet were screaming at me. My breasts are still tender, but other than that, no big new symptoms. My belly on the other hand just keeps getting bigger and bigger. :)
In good news, we are now just 9 days away from our next ultrasound, and getting to find out if we'll be bringing a new little girl or little boy into this world. I can't wait, and it won't get here fast enough!