Monday, October 17, 2011

Movin' and a Shakin'..

We are 25 weeks tomorrow, and man is she moving! Lastnight she kicked and bounced for longer than she's ever done before. It was really cute, because I lifted my shirt, and David was physically able to see her moving around. I tried to get video of it, but the lighting wasn't good enough to see anything other than shadows. 

As far as symptoms go, the nausea is almost gone completely. Now once every two weeks I'll need to take a pill, but otherwise I've felt pretty good. I've finally started gaining weight and am now 4.4 lbs higher than my pre-pregnancy weight. I've had some minor back pain but that's really about it, other than getting tired more easily again, and my feet hurting a bit if I stand for too long (10-15 mins tops). 

This coming Saturday is my baby shower and I'm so excited! I can't wait to see everyone, and be able to find out what we'll still need and what we don't. Clothes at this point for the most part are pretty much covered. David and I along with his mom and two sisters went garage saling this past weekend, and we got a bunch more cheap, cute clothes, some brand new drop in bottles, new maternity clothes, and a few other things. We were also able to get a crib that we can take the hardware from, because David is making our crib and changing table. :) It's looking great so far! I can't wait to see the finished project, and I'm so proud of him!

Also, we had our "First stages of labor" class last Thursday, and apparently this month starts the rounds of checkups every two weeks. So we go back not this Thursday, but the following Thursday for our 26 week checkup. I can't wait. One of the couples in our group mentioned that they got their 3D ultrasound done in Orlando for only $50 (verses the $150 that the Dr.'s office wants for it). And that they got 20-40 images on a disk with rights to print them. So I told David that I'm thinking that that would be a great 5 year anniversary present to me. Haha. So we'll see how it goes. :)

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