Friday, November 4, 2011

Testing, Testing, and more Testing...

So Tuesday afternoon I came home early from work feeling really off. I felt dizzy and lightheaded and ridiculously overheated. Something just didn't sit right. I went home around lunch time and was going to try and see the Dr. to get my glucose testing done but they told me I had to wait until 10am Wednesday. Then I got really tired and ended up crashing from 2:30pm-7:00pm, and then again from 11pm-9:45am the next morning. Wednesday morning David and I got up early and he took me to the lab to get the bloodwork done for my glucose testing. This was the 1 hour testing, where they made me fast, and then drink that nasty orange stuff (which really just made me feel like I was going to vomit it all up immediately after) then wait an hour. At which point they pulled three viles of blood from my arm. Me and needles don't mix. I got in the car and the lightheadedness started again. David took me to Village Inn for some lunch since I hadn't been able to eat, and once we got there I had trouble focusing my eyes on things. Almost like moving in slow motion when I looked around. I waited until my sister got home from picking up my brother from school, since David had to go to work, and she brought me to my general practitioner to see what the deal was. They then proceeded to take blood from my other arm, and did a urinalysis. (I forgot to mention the low blood pressure I'd had over the past two days). My blood pressure was again a little low, and they told me that they thought my blood sugar was a little low as well, as well as having a nasty infection. Thursday I again felt crappy. This morning I woke up to my OB calling me saying that the labs from my glucose test came back, and it wasn't great news. My sugars were elevated, and I have to come back in for the 3 hour more inclusive test Monday at 10am, which means that they will take yet again more blood from me. And chances are, based on this, it means I'm cursed with gestational diabetes, which has me super stressed out and anxious. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little freaked out.

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