Sunday, August 10, 2014

30 Weeks Pregnant With Baby #2:

How far along? 30 Weeks 
Total weight gain: ~ 15 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? No
Best moment this week: Completing a bunch of my projects
Miss anything? Not being the size of a house and being able to do things without getting so run down so fast, not getting overheated so easily.
Movement: Super active
Food cravings: None at the moment. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Random throwing up occasionally
Gender: Girl!
Labor signs: Braxton Hicks
Symptoms: exhaustion, braxton hicks, frequent urination, back pain
Belly button in or out? It is still just flush
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time: Varies
Looking forward to: Finishing our Halloween costumes

This week the baby is still approximately the size of a winter squash, at 2.91 lbs. in weight, and 15.71 inches in length.

"Your baby is now able to see, and even though it's dark inside your uterus, the eyes are wide open and scoping out the environment. His brain is growing rapidly, due to which it will not fain much weight or height this week. Red blood cells are now forming in your baby's bone marrow. He is shedding the lanugo present on the skin. However, the hair on his head is actually growing thicker at this point. Fluid is now present in the alveoli (air sacs) inside the lungs to help your little one take that first breath at birth. He may begin to position itself for birth anytime from now on."

So I went and got my 3 hour glucose tolerance test done, and of course, failed that one as well. So I officially have gestational diabetes again, which really sucks. I go on Tuesday to meet with my nurse about it, and the following Tuesday with the dietician. Since I already know the diet though, hopefully we'll be able to get my new machine relatively quickly so that I can just get started with it. I guess it ended up working out too, that I ultimately am back with my prior doctors, and not at the birthing center, because now I am considered "high risk" and wouldn't be allowed to birth at the birthing center anyway, so it would've been a big waste. :( 

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