Sunday, July 3, 2011

Timing Is Everything..

Haha, seriously, the timing of the e-mail I just got from WhatToExpect could not possibly have been better. I was just getting on here to complain about (again, may be TMI for most, so leave now or forever hold your peace) my newest annoying symptom that decided to start plaguing me a few days ago, and apparently has returned to haunt me again tonight...constipation. This is a feeling that I've never really experienced before, and I have to say that it is not a very pleasant one. I take my vitamins every day, but I guess that's no longer going to be enough. I will have to load up on raisin bran and broccoli and whatever else carries lots of fiber. Agh. So what is the subject of said e-mail? "Cures for Constipation." Haha. It's like they knew! 

In other news, David's mom was kind enough to take me shopping today, and get me some new maternity clothes since I'm starting to show already and my jeans are only wearable if they are unbuttoned and half unzipped. We had a nice bonding time, (side from me throwing up in the car on the way there. thank god I brought doubled plastic bags, and being very tired). We ended up doing a lot better than I thought we would, and I had only planned on trying to find a pair or two of bottoms, and ended up with two bottoms and 9 shirts. All in all, a good day. :)

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