Tuesday, April 30, 2013

This is Different...?

So this probably sounds strange after the multiple posts about how stressed/frustrated/depressed/insertothersadfeelinghere, but something different has been happening the past few days. Well, really, the past few weeks I guess it has been a gradual shift. David took on a second job to try and help us increase our income, and also to possibly set himself up for a full-time position here in town, which would obviously be amazing. However, because of that, to extents, I've kind of become a single parent. It's not that this is what he meant to happen and I know that he wishes he could spend more time with both Sophia and I, but the fact remains that at least for the next few months, it is what it is, which is basically he's there to help with her on some Saturdays, and for an hour or two sometimes on Sundays. There's the occasional two hour span that's possible on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday but that all depends on just how tired he is. Last week he crashed shortly after coming home a few days. I don't resent him at all for it...that's not what this post was about. 

The shift is that I have had to take on a little more work now. The time spent with Sophia by myself has lengthened. There is more to do around the house. More cleaning and less help. More meals to make for Sophia and I. More time alone, and during times when I especially don't want to be, like during massive storms. Agh. But somehow good has come from this. Don't ask me how, because I don't know. One would think that if I was already having a hard time, that by adding more solitude and more responsibility that I'd have an utter meltdown, but it seems to actually be having the opposite effect now. Despite even less sleep, I'm somehow coming up with more energy. Today, my sister and I spent a good portion of the day cleaning my house, and it felt amazing! I've got my garden growing, and now that it's starting to produce, I'm even getting to eat stuff from it and incorporate that into my dinners! I'm finding (somehow) more time after Sophia goes to bed to work on my crafting. I made four hats last week, and tomorrow I'm planning to start on the dress that I am making Sophia for our trip to Disney this summer. 

Sophia and I have been spending so much time together. We read, watch PBS (judge me all you want), color, play outside, water the garden together, pick flowers, wrestle, snuggle, eat together, take bubble baths together. It's amazing. And of course when she DOES get to see Daddy, she is all about him, which is great, because I had big worries that the opposite would happen and that she'd not so much forget about him, but lose interest since he's gone so much. But she loves the heck out of her Daddy and loves to play with him and snuggle him too! 

I don't know. I don't know what it is, or where it came from or why, but I'm in a good place, and I like it here. I'm hoping to stay in it for a while. :)

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