Friday, June 10, 2011

I Feel Terrible..

This nausea is horrible. Once a day I actually throw something up, and 80% of the rest of the time I just feel awful, like I need to throw up but can't. This is not a fun feeling at all. When I go back on the 20th, I'll be asking the Dr. about a prescription that was suggested to me by some friends. I just feel so gross Bleh.


  1. Hang in there Erin! I'm so sorry this has been so unpleasant for you so far. Hopefully things will calm down for you in the second trimester!

  2. Thanks, yeah, I've been told the symptoms started a little early for me, but it's been pretty rough. The nausea has been awful, but I got a script today that should help. Other than that, lots of fatigue, not much moodiness, but tired, and sick feeling. Bleh. I'm just trying to keep the ultimate goal in mind.
