So after having the 3 hour testing (which consisted of drinking that nasty orange crap again, trying not to throw it up the whole time after fasting for 12+ hours, and getting stuck with a needle 4 times), the results came back positive. I do have gestational diabetes. I am however, a lot less scared/anxious about it than I had been because I was able to meet with the Diabetes Center, and they explained to me what we needed to do to try and control it through diet, and they gave me a glucose tester, and told me to test myself three times a day, and log both the numbers, as well as the foods I eat. Every Monday I send in my numbers, and after my first week of doing it, she told me yesterday that my numbers are looking good.
In other news, Sophia is quite the active one. She is moving around like crazy. Most of the time I love it, and it makes me happy, but now she's also gotten much bigger, and therefore can now reach my ribs, which is an ENTIRELY different feeling than that of being kicked in the stomach or sides. It's kind of gross feeling actually, and one that I'm not sure I'll actually get used to.
Also, we are at 29 weeks now, as of yesterday. :) So because of the diabetes, we are anticipating her arrival in 9-11 weeks. :) So excited!